Class 10 all question answer from set book for second term

 what is a search engine?

A search engine is a software program that helps people find the information they are looking for online using keywords or phrases.

what is the business done through the internet called?


what is the law that govern the legal issues of cyberspace??

Cyber Law

Which is the smallest unit to represent information on quantum computing?

=A quantum bit or qubit is the smallest unit of data in quantum computing.

full form of 

UTP = Unshielded Twisted Pair. 

STP= Shielded Twisted Pair.

WAP= Wireless application protocol

FTP: File Transfer Protocol

MAN: Metropolitan Area Network.

ADSL: Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

B2B: Business to Business

ICT: Information and communications technology

LAN: Local area network

what is computer networking? write its advantages and disadvantages

Computer networking refers to interconnected computing devices that can exchange data and share resources with each other.

advantages of computer networking:

1) easy communication and speed

2) ability to share files, data and information

3) sharing hardware

4) sharing software

5) security

6) speed

disadvantages of computer networking

1) breakdown and possible loss of data and resources

2) expensive to build

3) bandwidth issues

what is computer ethics? 

=Ethics is a set of moral principles that govern the behavior of an individual or group of people.

 Computer ethics is the application of moral principles to the use of computers and the Internet.

what are the examples of computer ethics?

= they are:

1) Using original softwares

2) Not using computers to harm others

3) Not using others computer without owners permission

4) Not publishing person's data in public without thier permission

what is software security?write any four measures of software security.

=Software security is an idea implemented to protect software against malicious attack and other hacker risks so that the software continues to function correctly under such potential risks.

Four measures of software security are:

1) User identification and authentication like password, biometric technique etc.

2) Firewall

3) Cryptography

4) Antivirus software

5) Backup system

what is hardware security? write any four measures of hardware security.

=Hardware security is vulnerability protection that comes in the form of a physical device rather than software that's installed on the hardware of a computer system.

Four measures of hardware security are:

1) Regular computer maintenance

2) Using computer in dust free environment

3) Using computer in favourable room temperature

4) Using power protection devices like UPS, voltage regulator, Surge protector etc.

What is M-commerce? Write its two important services.

=M-commerce (mobile commerce) is the buying and selling of goods and services through wireless handheld devices such as smartphones and tablets. 

M-commerce is a form of e-commerce that enables users to access online shopping platforms without the use of a desktop computer.

The two important services of m-commerce are:

1) Finance and payment

2) Marketing

What is internet of things (IoT) ?

write any two importance of it.

=The Internet of things (IoT) describes physical objects (or groups of such objects) with sensors, processing ability, software, and other technologies that connect and exchange data with other devices and systems over the Internet or other communications networks

The two importance of IoT are:

1) Minimizes the human work and effort

2) Good for personal safety and security

write the name of any four search engines.

= They are:

1) Google

2) DuckDuckGo

3) Bing 

4) Yahoo

5) Baidu

What Is Social Media?

The term social media refers to a computer-based technology that facilitates the sharing of ideas, thoughts, and information through virtual networks and communities. 

write appropriate technical term for the following:

1) a system of copying data and information residing in computer into another location

Answer: Uploading

2) A company which provides services of internet

Answer: Internet service provider (ISP)

3)  secret group of characters which helps to protect file from on authorised person

 answer: password

4) A type of network in which every computer works as both client and server

Answer: Peer to peer network

5) A collective online communication channels dedicated to community based input interaction content sharing and collaboration

answer: Social media

write any four advantages and disadvantages of using social media.

= the advantages of social media are:

1) Technological literacy

2) Bringing people together

3) Opportunity to widen business

4) Breadth of knowledge

The disadvantages of social media are:

1) Distraction

2) Health problems

3) Illegal crime, virus attacks

4) Relationship problem

What is bandwidth?

=Bandwidth is a measurement indicating the maximum capacity of a wired or wireless communications link to transmit data over a network connection in a given amount of time.

What Is Cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying is the use of technology to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person.

What Is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? What are the application of AI.

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions.

The applications of AI are :

1) Data security

2) Health care

3) Manufacturing

4) Intelligent robot

5) Finance

Ten Commandments of Computer ethics.

1. should not use a computer to harm other people.

2. should not interfere with other people's computer work.

3. should not snoop around in other people's files.

4. should not use a computer to steal.

5. should not use a computer to bear false witness. 

6. should not use or copy software for which you have not paid.

7. should not use other people's computer resources without authorization.

8. should not appropriate other people's intellectual output.

9. should think about the social consequences of the program you write.

10. should use a computer in ways that show consideration and respect.

what is e-commerce? List any four e-commerce companies in nepal.

E-commerce (electronic commerce) is the buying and selling of goods and services, or the transmitting of funds or data, over an electronic network, primarily the internet.

Four E-commerce companies in nepal are:

1) Daraz

2) Okdam

3) Sastodeal

4) Gyapu

5) Foodmandu

6) Meroshopping

What Is Cloud Computing? What are the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing?

Cloud computing is the delivery of different services through the Internet. These resources include tools and applications like data storage, servers, databases, networking, and software.

The advantages of cloud computing are:

1) Cost efficiency

2) High speed

3) Reliability

4) Mobility 

The disadvantages of cloud computing are:

1) Downtime

2) Vulnerability to attack

3) Limited control and flexibility

4) Lower bandwidth

5 Lack of support team (like customer care service)

what are the uses of cloud computing?

The are: 

1) Test and build application

2) Store, backup and recover data

3) Stream audio and video

4) Deliver software on demand

What is virtual reality(VR)? What are the Application areas of virtual reality

Virtual reality is the term used to describe a three-dimensional, computer generated environment which can be explored and interacted with by a person.

Virtual Reality (VR) is a computer-generated environment with scenes and objects that appear to be real, making the user feel they are immersed in their surroundings.

The applications areas of VR are:

1) Education

2) Health

3) Business

4) Military

5) Construction

What is Email?

A method of exchanging messages instantly from one system to another with the help of the internet is called an Email.

what is cyber law?

Cyber law is the part of the overall legal system that deals with the Internet, cyberspace, and their respective legal issues.It is referred to as the Law of the Internet

What is digital footprint?

Digital footprint is the information about a particular person that exists on the internet as a result of their online activity.

what is  passive and active footprint?

A passive footprint is made when information is collected from the user without the person knowing this is happening.

 An active digital footprint is where the user has deliberately shared information about themselves either by using social media sites or by using websites.

Write any two tips to maintain digital reputation.

They are:

1)Stay professional and do not engage in online arguments

2) Make an apology when necessary

3) Do not share false and unofficial news to anyone

What is password policy? 

A password policy is a set of rules designed to enhance computer security by encouraging users to employ strong passwords and use them properly.

write any two important criteria for creating strong password  / CHARACTERISTICS OF STRONG PASSWORDS

They are:

1) At least 12 characters — the more characters, the better

2) A mixture of both uppercase and lowercase letters

3)A mixture of letters and numbers 

Inclusion of at least one special character, e.g., ! @ # ? ]

What are the examples of weak passwords??


1) Any word that can be found in a dictionary, in any language (e.g., airplane or aeroplano).

2) A dictionary word with some letters simply replaced by numbers (e.g., a1rplan3 or aer0plan0).

3) A repeated character or a series of characters (e.g., AAAAA or 12345).

4) A keyboard series of characters (e.g., qwerty or poiuy).

5) Personal information (e.g., birthdays, names of pets or friends, Social Security number, addresses).

Advantages of e-commerce are:

1)Faster buying process.

2)Store and product listing creation.

3) Cost reduction.

4) Affordable advertising and marketing.

5) Flexibility for customers.

6) No reach limitations.

7) Product and price comparison.

Which protocol is used by WWW to establish client and server interaction??

= HTTP protocol

What Is Biometric Verification?

Biometric verification is a way to identify individuals based on their unique characteristics or body measurements – for example, their face, fingerprints or voice. 

In which data transmission mode data travel only in One Direction that is to send or receive only?

= Simplex mode

A file storage and synchronisation service developed by Google is called?

= Google drive

A set of moral principles or code of conducts that regulate use of computers.

= Computer Ethics

The process of identifying an individual usually based on a username and password


Full form of:

G2G= Government to government

IoT= Internet of Things

VOIP=Voice over Internet Protocol

ISP= Internet service provider

GPS=Global Positioning System

Kbps= Kilobits per second

Mbps= Megabits per second

B2B= Business to Business

POP= Post office protocol

VIRUS =Vital Information Resources Under Seize

UPS= Uninterruptible Power Supply

IRC= Internet Relay Chat

What Does Communication Media Mean?

=Communication media refers to the means of delivering and receiving data or information. In telecommunication, these means are transmission and storage tools or channels for data storage and transmission.

difference between bounded/guided media and unbounded/unguided media

What is backup? Why backup is vital to computer security system?

=A backup is a copy of important data that is stored on an alternative location, so it can be recovered if deleted or it becomes corrupted.

Backups protect against human errors, hardware failure, virus attacks, power failure, and natural disasters. Backups can help save time and money if these failures occur.

Define information and communication technology.

Information and communication technology (ICT) is defined as a diverse set of technological tools and resources used to transmit, store, create, share or exchange information.

What are online payments? Write the different forms of e-payment in Nepal

Online payments are payments that are initiated over the internet for goods or services purchased either online or offline.

The different forms of e-payment in nepal are:

1) Esewa

2) IME pay

3) Khalti

4) Prabhu money transfer

when was cyber Law established in Nepal?

In 2061 BS   (2004 AD)

An internet tool that helps to upload/download the file.

Answer: Internet download manager (IDM)

A service of internet that allows user to talk in real time.

= IRC (Internet relay chat)

what is network topology? write different types of network topology.

A Network Topology is the arrangement with which computer systems or network devices are connected to each other.

Types of network topology are bus topology, ring topology, star Topology Mesh topology etc.

What Is Digital Citizenship?

Digital citizenship refers to the responsible use of technology by anyone who uses computers, the Internet, and digital devices to engage with society on any level. 

The 9 elements of Digital Citizenship are:

1) Digital access. 

2) Digital commerce. ...

3) Digital communication. ...

Digital literacy. ...

Digital etiquette. ...

Digital law. ...

Digital rights and responsibilities. ...

Digital health and wellness.

9) Digital security

What is computer security?

Computer security basically is the protection of computer systems and information from harm, theft, and unauthorized use.

 It is the process of preventing and detecting unauthorized use of your computer system.

What is E commerce?

E-commerce (electronic commerce) is the buying and selling of goods and services, or the transmitting of funds or data, over an electronic network, primarily the internet.

The following are the different types of e-commerce platforms:

1)Business-to-Business (B2B)

2)Business-to-Consumer (B2C)

3)Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C)

What is e-governance ? How does it help to the citizens?

Electronic governance or e-governance can be defined as the usage of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) by the government to provide and facilitate government services, exchange of information, communication transactions and integration of various standalone systems and services.

It help citizens by following points:

1) Reduces Costs of Running a Government.

2) Easy and Quick Implementation

Advantages of e-Governance

1) Improves delivery and efficiency of government services

2)Improved government interactions with business and industry

3) Citizen empowerment through access to information

4)More efficient government management

5) Less corruption in the administration

6) Greater convenience to citizens and businesses

7) Cost reductions and revenue growth

8) Reduces paperwork  in the administrative process 

List any six network connectivity devices

= They are:








which software is used to remove virus from computer system?

=Antivirus software

what are the modes of electronic payments?

They are:

Credit cards

Debit cards



Mobile banking

what is search engine?

A search engine is a software program that helps people find the information they are looking for online using keywords or phrases.

What Is Cloud Computing? List any four services of cloud computing.

Cloud computing is the delivery of different services through the Internet. These resources include tools and applications like data storage, servers, databases, networking, and software.

The four services of cloud computing are:

1) Test and build application

2) Store, backup and recover data

3) Stream audio and video

4) Deliver software on demand

List any four opportunities and threats in social media.

The opportunities of social media are:

1) Knowledge sharing

2) Social networking

3) Business networking

4) Community building

The threats of social media are:

1) Cyber attacks

2) Fake news

3) Social engineering

4) Impersonation

What's a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Network?

A peer-to-peer network is one in which two or more PCs share files and access to devices such as printers without requiring a separate server computer or server software.

What are  Client-Server Networks?

Client-server networks are computer networks that use a dedicated computer (server) to store data, manage/provide resources and control user access.

Difference between peer to peer network and client server network architecture.

What is Intellectual Property? Give some examples of intellectual properties.

Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names and images used in commerce.

Examples of intellectual properties are:

Copyright, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, industrial designs etc.

Define bus topology.

Bus topology is a specific kind of network topology in which all of the various devices in the network are connected to a single cable or line. 

Define ring topology.

A ring topology is a network configuration where device connections create a circular data path. Each networked device is connected to two others, like points on a circle.

Define  Star Topology.

Star topology is a network topology in which each network component is physically connected to a central node such as a router, hub or switch.

Which is the most common type of E-commerce?

= Business to customer (B2C)

What is called a group of computers that can share resources?

= Network

A program that destroys the other program

= computer virus


What Is Electronic Commerce (E-commerce)? mention its any four features

Electronic commerce (e-commerce) refers to companies and individuals that buy and sell goods and services over the Internet.

Four features of Electronic commerce are:

1) Large customer reach

2) Promotional and discount code tool

3) Rich in content and information

4) Personalization

What are the examples of cloud computing?

They are:

1) Google cloud

2) Microsoft 365

3) Adobe creative cloud

What is communication media?

=Communication media is a medium or channel through which a message or information can be transmitted from a sender to the receiver.

Guided media examples:

phone lines, twisted pair cables, coaxial cables, optical fibers(fibre optics cable)  etc

Unguided media examples:

Radio waves, microwaves, infrared, Bluetooth etc.

Difference between Radio waves, microwave and infrared.

Difference between active and passive attack.

Difference between encryption and decryption

What is encryption?

Encryption is a way of scrambling data so that only authorized parties can understand the information.

What Does Decryption Mean?

Decryption is the process of transforming data that has been rendered unreadable through encryption back to its unencrypted form.

What is ciphertext?

Ciphertext is encrypted text transformed from plaintext using an encryption algorithm.

What is the Internet?

= A global system of interconnected computers, using a standardised Internet Protocol suite for communication and sharing information is called the Internet.

What is the World Wide Web?

 World Wide Web or ‘www’ is a collection of webpages which can easily be published on the Internet and read by millions of its users.

What is an IP address?

=The Internet Protocol address is a numerical identification code assigned for any device connected to a network. It acts as an identification interface for Internet users.

What is a Web Browser?

= A web browser is a software application for accessing the information on the World Wide Web. The commonly used web browsers include Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, etc.

What are Internet  Protocols?

Protocols are a set of rules that help in governing the way in which any particular body or technology works.

Pros of internet:

1) Easy access to information

2) Platform for online education

3) Job Hunting

4) Visual and graphical representation of things

5) Reduces the parameters of distance

Cons of internet

1) Dependency

2) Cyber crimes

3) Distraction

4) Bullying and trolls

Write the preventing measures to protect computer from computer virus.

They are:

1) Keep your software up to date. ...

2) Don't click on links within emails. ...

3) Use free antivirus software. ...

4) Back up your computer. ...

5) Use a strong password. ...

6) Use a firewall. ...

7) Don't use cracked/pirated softwares

What is hardware security?

Hardware security is vulnerability protection that comes in the form of a physical device rather than software that's installed on the hardware of a computer system.

What is a centralized network?

A centralized network architecture is built around a single server that handles all the major processing.

Centralized computing is a type of computing architecture where all or most of the processing/computing is performed on a central server.

What are client-server networks?

Client-server networks are computer networks that use a dedicated computer (server) to store data, manage/provide resources and control user access.
